You can’t bloody shift for phone case companies, can you?

While I’m very loyal to my Bellroy, and am a big, big fan of Mous viral advertising. I’ve come across a new phone case company, and I CAN. NOT. FAULT.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you

Their website is perfect, they’re solid on search and the Paid Social was slick creative and highly personalised. I was beyond impressed.

Pay Attention To Good Phone Case Companies

Since it’s just far too risky to leave your smartphone naked, the phone case market has exploded in recent years.

And because they’re easy to make, there’s high margins, they’re easy to warehouse and shipping is a doddle, phone cases might just make the perfect Ecommerce business. Close contenders would be jewellery, and underwear. Let me know if you can think of any other.

I’m nowhere near the first person to realise phone cases make for good online stores, there’s loads of them. Because of this, these ‘perfect’ Ecommerce sectors, are often paving the way for what is best practice. If you have a slightly unorthodox product that you’re looking to sell, it’s well worth studying phone case companies and seeing what you can emulate.

Anyway, enough waffling. As always I look at Site, Search and Social…

Super, Super Site!

Thank you to Will Laurenson from Customers Who Click who gave me a super little checklist for this section. I’m going to be looking at Usability, Motivation and Anxiety.

Usability: Does the site help your customer find what they need? 

Tick, tick and tick! 

The main navigation along the width of the site is impossible to miss, the fancy side bar lets you shop by collection, and the search is feature is superb. I was most impressed with this when I typed ‘Pixel 6 Green’.

Search Functionality on site was top notch.

Motivation: Does the site fill your customer with excitement? 

An Ecommerce Website needs to leave a customer excited for that big ol’ parcel to arrive. How should I feel when the big box gets here?

Burga is definitely giving off fashion vibes. And I think they’re going for this as the point of different. There’s a huge range of colours and styles, it’s making me think of folks who’d want to match their phone case with their outfits, because why the hell not?! 

But you have loads of outfits, you’d need loads of phone cases, right?

Well, luckily there a ‘Pay for two, get four’ spring sale on the go! Yep, FOUR!!!

And it’s free shipping over £40! With the price for one case being ~£30, why would you pay for just one? This is excellent offer architecture. Well positioned, and makes a lot of sense. 

To top it off, check this subtle messaging after adding to cart. Dreamy.

Ahh ok, I’ll get another one!

Anxiety: does the site address all customer questions and concerns?  

In short, hell yes. 

These product pages are to die for. 

What are some of the problems you might have with a phone case? Well, it’s things like: 

These things are addressed and addressed well by never every element of these outstanding product pages. These are very, very, very, very well done. Maybe even rivals Manta Sleep for me.

Let me talk you through this product page

The Best Thing About Burga’s Ecommerce

Without doubt it was the quick, eye catching and highly personalised first experience with the store.

I’m a Google Pixel 6 user, the Instagram Story Ad I saw was for a Google Pixel 6 case. It was a pretty cool case, and the creative caught my attention so it earned a click from me. 

I then landed on the Google Pixel 6 collection page, further adding to what felt like a personalised experience. 

They’re clearly targeting users by device type and expanding their ranges in this way, what else would you be doing with 710 Facebook Ads! Most I’ve seen for a while…

I felt like this was talking to me and only me. Superb.

Search and you will find! 

Being so impressed with the site and social, I was at the point where I was going to forgive them for not having search wrapped up too. 

But it turns out Burga are nailing that as well, if you’re googling around phone cases, you’ll probably find the website!

To my old friend SEMRush: 

As I say. Wrapped. Up. 

The only fault I could find…

And it was teeny-tiny.

A quick look at the Keyword ‘Phone Cases’ to wrap up:

What’s better about the MOUS result?

Burga are using Google Shopping, and based on price are one of the better options here. But they should be bolstering with Google Product Ratings based on that healthy Trustpilot score! The only fault I could find in what was otherwise flawless marketing in my humble opinion.

If you’re reading this, I’d love to know if you could find any faults with this one!

Wrapping Up

Not much more to say here, anything from should be in your Ecommerce Swipe File, right now!!!!!